Undercover Gluten

So we all may think were big shot gluten-free eaters, but did you know gluten is not only in bread products? Believe it or not gluten has managed to weasel it’s way into other foods that you would never even think to label check. Here are a few examples…

1. Soy Sauce. Forty to sixty percent of soy sauce is made up of wheat. My favorite sushi dip substitute is the gluten free Kikkoman option.

2. Salad dressing. Many companies use salad dressing as a thickener. Rather than eating a plain salad shop for brands like Annie’s or Newman’s Own.

3. Processed Meats. Modified starches are used to bind water in processed meats (cold cuts, hot dogs, sausages, etc.). Be sure there’s no gluten-based starch in any processed meat before indulging!

4. Licorice. Gluten is used in candy to give it those stretchy elastic properties. All big name brand licorice such as Twizzlers and Good & Plenty has gluten in it. There are some brands that make “gluten free” licorice, however I have yet to taste test!