Even The Littlest Things Hurt

Celiac means NO GLUTEN! Ok, so I’m sure that most of you already know that but I’m saying this for all of the non gluten-free people!! Emphasis on the title of this blog, any ounce of gluten may cause irritation to your stomach, so simply taking the croutons out of the salad isn’t helping! So when your in the sandwich line at the cafeteria (obvi with your gluten-free bread) make sure that the person making your sandwich not only keeps your bread on your own plate but also changes their gloves before making it! I know it sounds excessive and you may feel like a nag, but this is your health at state! My university even has a separate toaster labeled “gluten-free,” which surprised me (but it shouldn’t!!) Moral of the story is that even the littlest interaction with gluten can hurt your stomach so stick to the old motto better safe than sorry!

Too much to require the cafeteria workers to read this before serving food?!